28 research outputs found

    Bibliographic Control Within Lithuanian Integrated Library Information System

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    After the restoration of Lithuania’s sovereignty, bibliographic control of Lithuanian documents was immediately initiated, and this function was assigned to the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania in 1992 under the Resolution of the Lithuanian Government. This article discusses reorganization of bibliographic control in accordance with recommendations of international organizations for national bibliographic agencies and overviews organization of bibliographic control within the Lithuanian Integrated Library Information System (LIBIS)

    ES struktūrinių fondų parama kultūros paveldo skaitmeninimui

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    Archives, libraries and museums preserve abundant collections of cultural heritage, the predominant part of which is in the traditional form. In order to save the unique cultural heritage objects from deterioration, access to them is restricted. Another restricting factor is remoteness. Digitization of heritage objects provides a means for overcoming these restrictions. It offers opportunities for cardinal transformation of the access to cultural heritage treasures. On 26 May 2009 there was a conference held in Prague under the topic “Digital Access to Cultural Heritage”, with the aim to survey the access to digital cultural heritage in Europe in the light of initiatives supported by the European Commission and programmes and projects performed by Europe‘s national libraries. The conference was held under the agenda of the programme devoted to the Czech Presidency of the EU Council. Dr. Regina Varnienė-Janssen, Deputy Director-General of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, represented Lithuania at this conference. This publication has been prepared on the basis of Dr. Regina Varnienė-Janssen’s report at the conferenc

    ES struktūrinių fondų parama kultūros paveldo skaitmeninimui

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    Archives, libraries and museums preserve abundant collections of cultural heritage, the predominant part of which is in the traditional form. In order to save the unique cultural heritage objects from deterioration, access to them is restricted. Another restricting factor is remoteness. Digitization of heritage objects provides a means for overcoming these restrictions. It offers opportunities for cardinal transformation of the access to cultural heritage treasures. On 26 May 2009 there was a conference held in Prague under the topic “Digital Access to Cultural Heritage”, with the aim to survey the access to digital cultural heritage in Europe in the light of initiatives supported by the European Commission and programmes and projects performed by Europe‘s national libraries. The conference was held under the agenda of the programme devoted to the Czech Presidency of the EU Council. Dr. Regina Varnienė-Janssen, Deputy Director-General of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, represented Lithuania at this conference. This publication has been prepared on the basis of Dr. Regina Varnienė-Janssen’s report at the conferenc

    Publikuotų dokumentų sklaidos skaitmeninėje erdvėje metodologiniai ir technologiniai aspektai: Nacionalinės bibliografijos duomenų banko pridedamoji vertė

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    The article addresses the presentation of Lithuanian and Lithuania-related documents in the digital environment in 1992–2015. One of the key factors impacting presentation of Lithuania’s published documents in the digital environment was the trans­formation of bibliographic control. This publication focuses on this transformation, which, after the establishment of the National Bibliographic Data Bank (hereafter NBDB, Nacionalinės bibliografijos duomenų bankas), provided more opportunities for access to Lithuanian and Lithuania-related docu­ments in the digital environment. By employing the European Commission’s 2-3-6 concept for electronic publishing, the process management theory and the analysis of the qualitative content research publi­cations as well as recommendations by the European Commission, IFLA and UNESCO for national bibli­ographic agencies, we conceptualized processes of bibliographic control in Lithuania and set up a model for NBDB’s content, products and added value. The qualitative analysis and the analysis of this model showed that the transformation of bibliographic control in Lithuania in 1991 determined the reali­zation of the added value of the processes of Content Creation, Complex Content Measures, Marketing, Data Transfer, Service Provision and Maintenance, and User Interface and Systems.1. The process of Content Creation has been realised by undertaking national bibliographic control, including its retrospective aspect and the additional function of current national bibliographic control. The implementation of the function of cur­rent national bibliographic control allowed creating the current national bibliographic, retrospective and authority electronic bibliographic records for Lithu­ania’s documents. This, in turn, allowed libraries and other cultural institutions carrying out selection of Lithuanian and Lithuania-related documents to reuse extensive records for Lithuanian and Lithu­ania-related documents for their catalogues as well as to monitor authorship and publication history. At present, national bibliography is used not only by libraries, publishers and book commerce – it also lays the groundwork for the statistical analysis of Lithu­ania’s publishing output, the Government’s policy for education and culture programmes as wel as the calculation of the publishing production scope. The creation of NBDB also determined successful imple­mentation of additional functions of bibliographic control (bibliographic records printed in a book; standard ISBN, ISMN and ISSN numbers), which serve as significant tools for the universal access to Lithuania’s published documents. The following standard identifiers are used within NBDB: the International Standard Text Code (ISTC), the Inter­national Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN), the International Standard Musical Work Code (ISWC), the International Standard Record Code (ISRC), the International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) and the National Bibliography Number (NBN). The use of these identifiers improves access to published documents and their component parts in the digital environment.2. The process of Content packaging with its key functions of setting the scope of the national bibliography, application of content standards, application of identification standards and authority control ensures submission of legal deposit, which forms the basis for bibliographic control; prepa­ration of descriptive and authority records; and identification of books, serial and music publications on the international level and providing better access to them. However, it has been proved that the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania “On the Order of the Submission of Legal Deposit of Printed and Other Documents to Libraries” of 11 December 2006 does not sufficiently reflect all the aspects of the functionality of legal deposit within the complex system of bibliographic control and does not provide for fully implementing the main functions and remit of a legal deposit body (The new version of the document was published on 11 June 2016). Therefore, drafting a law on le­gal deposit remains of current interest. Such a law would clearly define the purpose of legal deposit as well as provide measures for ensuring the collection and registration of legal deposit and long-time preservation and access of the national publishing output; also, for identifying document types for legal deposit with a focus on the archiving of electronic documents and explicitly identifying measures for implementing the law.As of July 2016, the NBDB contained 3 097 144 thousand current and retrospective national bibliographic records for Lithuania related documents, 66 063 of which were retrospective records created during the process of retroconversion of bibliographic records or preparing such records within NBDB. Now records of the national retrospective bibliography are linked with the Virtual Electronic Heritage System (VEPS) containing digital copies of the documents. It meets the requirements for today’s digital libraries as well as users’ expectations to read publications online or on mobile devices.3. The Marketing process with its key functions of administrative management, service evaluation, distribution of products and services and cooperation with publishers provides opportunities to take res­ponsibility for preparation and access of the national bibliography; perform analysis of marketing and com­petition; participating at international and national fairs and conferences directly and online; provide paid or voluntary services regarding cooperation with publishers in sharing metadata and assigning inter­national standard numbers. Bibliographic records containing ISBN and ISMN are a reliable prerequisite for successful access to Lithuania’s documents and book trade.4. The process of Data Transfer has the key functions of accessibility to networks and use of persistent identifiers. Within NBDB, these functions operate with the help of the Z.39.50, SRU/SRW and OAI-PMH protocols, and PURL identifiers. It ensures NBDB’s interoperability on the national and international level and allows to send bibliographic and authority records to Lithuania’s libraries and international networks. Data managers of LIBIS send initial data in the ISO 2709 format to NBDB from their local computers by means of automatic updating or export/import under agreements defining the purpose, provisions and order of data supply as well as their preservation and use. Copying NBDB records to local electronic catalogues by means of direct access is allowed for authorised clients.5. The process of Delivery support and Service process has the key functions of submitting infor­mation online and information transfer via OPAC. The databases of bibliographic records of electronic catalogues of LIBIS managers and managers of the LIBIS data are accessible to users from Lithuania and abroad via OPAC within the library or online. The publishers’ database is accessible via the online public access catalogue (http://www.lnb.lt/leidejai). The publication of data is approved under agreements with publishers. The codes of natural individuals are not published online. 6. The process of User Interface and Systems has the functions of query formulation, visualization of results, provision of access points and interoperability. The linguistic supply of LIBIS adheres to the standards and protocols of ISO, IFLA and other international organisations; consequently, current and retrospective national bibliographic records, as well as authority records, satisfy all the requirements for current and retrospective national bibliography: records are extensive, multileveled and all the mandatory UNIMARC relation fields are employed, thus ensuring diverse search possibilities. When preparing analytical records, not only relation fields (linking a record for an article with the publication in which it appears) are used, but there is also an indication of its relation with the appropriate issue or volume. For personal and corporate names and uniform titles, access points (authority records) are provided, thus ensuring their control and effective access to them. The LIBIS software is based on the ORACLE system for database management and the unified system for script encoding (Unicode) used for cataloguing and information services. It allows to provide records for publications which are issued in the original script, thus making it convenient for multilingual users. The described qualities of NBDB ensure its interoperability on the national and inter­national level. NBDB records are reused for various purposes: selection of documents, collection develo­pment and maintenance as well as copy cataloguing. It also improves access to Lithuania’s documents, which are a reflection of its nature, history, sports and political and civic life as well as narratives of the national identity.Straipsnio objektas – Lietuvos ir su Lietuva susijusių publikuotų dokumentų teikimo į skaitmeninę erdvę raida nuo 1992 iki 2016 metų. Pagrindiniai sisteminiai mūsų šalies publikuotų dokumentų pasklidimo skaitmeninėje erdvėje veiksniai buvo bibliografinės apskaitos pertvarka, sukūrusi efektyvesnės sklaidos priemones informacijai apie mūsų šalies istorinį, politinį, socialinį ir ekonominį gyvenimą bei kultūros paveldo skaitmeninimo, grindžiamo atminties institucijų sąveika, įgyvendinimas mūsų šalyje, sudaręs prielaidas kurti vientisą publikuotų dokumentų skaitmeninį turinį ir bendrą prieigą prie jo. Šioje publikacijoje pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas bibliografinės apskaitos pertvarkai, sukūrus Nacionalinės bibliografijos duomenų banką (NBDB), kuris sudarė geresnes informacijos apie Lietuvos ir su Lietuva susijusius dokumentus sklaidos skaitmeninėje erdvėje galimybes. Publikacijoje panaudota Europos Komisijos elektroninės leidybos pridedamosios vertės grandinės koncepcija, procesų vadybos teorija bei kokybinė turinio analizės metodologija, kurios leidžia konceptualizuoti ir vertinti NBDB sukauptą turinį ir paslaugas. Sukūrus teorinį verčių kūrimo modelį, grįstą teisiniais dokumentais, aptariamos socialinio, kultūros, inovacijų ir finansinio kapitalo pridedamosios vertės. Kitam sisteminiam veiksniui, nulėmusiam publikuotų dokumentų atsiradimą skaitmeninėje erdvėje – dokumentų skaitmeninimui ir vieningos prieigos kūrimui, bus parengta atskira publikacija. Šiame straipsnyje remiamasi Nacionalinėje Martyno Mažvydo bibliotekoje įgyvendintų projektų, kuriems vadovavo šio straipsnio autorė, rezultatais

    Ontologijos ir technologiniai sprendimai skaitmeninio kultūros paveldo integravimui ir prieigai: Lietuvos patirtis

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     Web technologies are the key for the implementing and ensuring the full range of user needs in the digital age. On the other hand, the issue of unified representation of digital content from diverse memory institutions in order to ensure semantic integrity still remains a matter of urgency. Semantic interoperability of information and data is essential in an integrated system. In this paper, we analyze and describe an ontology-based metadata interoperability approach and how this approach could be applied for memory institution data from diverse sources which do not support ontologies. In particular, we describe the use of the CIDOC CRM ontology as a mediating schema within Lithuania’s Information System of the Virtual Electronic Heritage (hereinafter ”VEPIS”) The paper introduces the role of the CIDOC CRM based Thesaurus of Personal Names, Geographical Names and Historical Chronology (hereinafter “BAVIC”), which operates as a core ontology within VEPIS by allowing to understand things and relationships between things as well as identify the time and space of things. The paper also focuses on trust of the cultural information on the Web. Users make trust judgments based on provenance that may or may not be explicitly offered to them. In particular, we describe how provenance is managed within digital preservation and access processes within VEPIS and define whether this management meets the W3C Provenance Incubator Group’s Requirements for Provenance on the Web. The paper is based on the results of the research initiated in 2018–2019 at the Faculty of Communication and the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Vilnius University by authors of this paper.Saityno technologijos sudaro galimybę tenkinti įvairiapusiškas informacines skaitmeninės eros vartotojų reikmes. Kita vertus, iki šiol aktuali problema išlieka atminties institucijų į saityną teikiamo skaitmeninto turinio semantinis integralumas. Informacijos ir duomenų turinio semantinis suderinamumas ypač aktualus integruotoms sistemoms. Straipsnyje apibūdinama ontologijomis grindžiamų metaduomenų koncepcija. Straipsnyje aprašomas CIDOC/CRM ontologijos kaip tarpininkavimo schemos vaidmuo VEPIS sistemoje. Straipsnis taip pat supažindina su Asmenvardžių, vietovardžių ir istorinės chronologijos tezauru (BAVIC), VEPIS atliekančiu pamatinės ontologijos vaidmenį (leidžia suprasti esybes ir jų santykius, jų santykį su laiku ir erdve). Kita straipsnyje analizuojama problema yra susijusi su kultūros informacijos turinio patikimumu saityne. Vartotojai apie informacijos ir duomenų patikimumą sprendžia remdamiesi proveniencija, kuri gali arba negali būti jiems tiesiogiai pateikiama. Straipsnyje analizuojama, kaip proveniencija yra valdoma VEPIS skaitmeninto turinio ilgalaikio išsaugojimo ir jos sklaidos procesų metu, ir kartu nustatoma, ar šie procesai atitinka proveniencijos saityne W3C Provenance Incubator Group reikalavimus. Straipsnyje remiamasi Vilniaus universiteto Komunikacijos fakulteto ir Matematikos fakulteto 2018–2019 m. straipsnio autorių inicijuoto tyrimo rezultatais


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    Lietuvos nacionalinė Matyno Mažvydo bibliotekaGedimino pr. 51, LT-01504 Vilnius, LietuvaEl. paštas: [email protected] nacionalinė Matyno Mažvydo bibliotekaGedimino pr. 51, LT-01504 Vilnius, LietuvaEl. paštas: [email protected]

    Paveldas ir visuomenė: Lietuvos kultūros paveldo skaitmeninimo strateginės plėtros gairės 2014–2020 metų programavimo laikotarpiui

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    The article focuses on the strategic management of digitization in Lithuania. It elaborates on the development process of a conceptual approach to the creation of seamless content of the digital cultural heritage and presents the changing social context and a new paradigm of the legislation on the cultural heritage as well as its financing issues.The period of 2005–2009 should be considered a turning point in the cultural policy of Lithuania as the approval of the Concept for the Digitization of the Lithuanian Cultural Heritage and the Strategy for the Digitization of the Lithuanian Cultural Heritage, Digital Content Preservation and Access and its Implementation Framework in 2009–2013 by the Lithuanian government, which resulted in a new paradigm for the consolidation of memory institutions, oriented to cross-sectoral collaboration in digitizing Lithuania’s cultural heritage. These documents also provided more possibilities to receive financial support from the State budget and the EU Structural Funds for the digitization of the national cultural heritage and its long-term preservation and access. The major unsolved problems of the previous period have evolved from the inappropriate interpretation of strategic documents within the institutional environment. When interpreting these documents, conservative non-compatible institutional models were applied for strategic managing. Therefore, digitization was carried out without fully evaluating the social context and consolidating resources, thus resulting in poor quality digitization products, which were unrelated and satisfied the needs of institutions rather than of the users.The environment of the strategic management in the new programming period of 2014–2020 is shaped by the development of the network society, as it is defined by social sciences, the experience of the previous strategic period, and the highest level strategic documents defining the new period. The article also introduces the experience of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania and Vilnius University’s Faculty of Communication, activities by these and other twenty main cultural institutions of Lithuania in the development of the cultural and information society policy and the strategic management of cultural heritage digitization, and initiatives within these activities for the 2014–2020 programming period.Straipsnio objektas – kultūros paveldo skaitmeninimo strateginis valdymas Lietuvoje. Nagrinėjama, kaip Lietuvoje 2005–2013 metų programavimo laikotarpiu formavosi konceptualus požiūris į skaitmeninto kultūros paveldo vientiso turinio kūrimą, pristatomas besikeičiantis socialinis kontekstas, nauja Lietuvos kultūros paveldo teisinės bazės paradigma ir jos finansavimo klausimai. Straipsnis taip pat supažindina su Lietuvos nacionalinės Martyno Mažvydo bibliotekos ir Vilniaus universiteto Komunikacijos fakulteto ekspertų patirtimi ir šių institucijų bei kitų dvidešimties reikšmingiausių šalies kultūros institucijų veikla plėtojant kultūros ir informacinės visuomenės politiką, kultūros paveldo skaitmeninimo strateginį valdymą ir šios veiklos iniciatyvas 2014–2020 m. programavimo laikotarpiu

    Naujos platformos lietuvių literatūros kūrinių sklaidai ir skaitymo skatinimui: problemos analizė

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    The main scientific problem of the article, which has never been addressed in Lithuania, is the analysis of changes in the accessibility of works of the Lithuanian literature after the implementation of the project “Pre­senting Works of the Lithuanian Classical Literature Online” in the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania in 2011–2014, the creation of an e-library of works of the Lithuanian literature, and the impact of the established e-services on the access to works and the level of reading engagement. The investigation applied a constructive phenomenological methodology, the European Commission‘s 2-3-6 concept substantiating the added value of e-publishing and John W. Creswell‘s qualitative research methods. The use of these method­ological tools for understanding the users’ subjective experience in utilizing the established e-services brings the methodological novelty to this investigation. Drawing on the 2-3-6 concept and the practices ap­plied in Lithuania, the following concepts of the added value of the e-library and e-services are analyzed:1. Content creation. It should be based on a targeted selection of documents and the optimum visualiza­tion of the aggregated digital information.2. Content packaging. It includes presenting on the as broad scale as possible the reason for the origination of a digitized work and its content and accessibility.3. Delivery support and services. It should permit the user to obtain the metadata and primary sources in a convenient way (via the Internet including mobile devices).4. Market making. It should be built on implementing tools for copyright protection and their monitoring, service evaluation, promotion of the digital content and reading by using e-books, and permitting the users to read digitized works on various devices.The use of the results of the qualitative investi­gation and the application of the principles of the phenomenological research enabled to identify and substantiate the correlation between the concepts of the added value of the e-library and the trends of strate­gies for promoting e-books and reading: ensuring a permanent access to works of the Lithuanian literature and their diversity online, retaining high requirements for the quality of e-books and e-services, and increas­ing the awareness of works of the Lithuanian literature by using additional tools of market making.The qualitative investigation has proved that the digitization of works of the Lithuanian literature and their presentation online eliminate the restrictions which are present in case of books in traditional formats. The Internet and mobile devices enable obtaining the needed book without leaving one’s home, thus allowing to use budget resources in a more expedient way.The analysis of Lithuania’s strategic documents and the qualitative investigation proved that the devel­opment and use of the e-library and e-services should be grounded on the following principles:1. Complexity: integration of national campaigns; permanent work within state and municipal cul­tural, educational and social security institutions; and initiatives of local communities and private individuals.2. Modern approach: promotion of reading and de­velopment of language skills. The related projects should be based on the newest research on reading habits of children, young people and adults. It is essential to take into account the development of modern technologies and their impact on reading.3. Differentiation: promotion of reading and de­velopment of language skills. The effort should be oriented to citizens of various age and social groups by using appropriate means.4. Partnership: a close cooperation among various activity fields.5. Integrity: development of skills of physically handicapped people and old persons.Straipsnio objektas – lietuvių literatūros kūrinių prieinamumo pokyčiai, įgyvendinus projektą „Lietuvių literatūros klasikos kūrinių perkėlimas į elektroninę erdvę“ (toliau – e-klasikos biblioteka) ir sukurtų elektroninių paslaugų poveikis kūrinių sklaidai ir skaitymo intensyvumui. Tyrimas, kuriuo siekta išsiaiškinti subjektyvų vartotojų požiūrį į Lietuvos nacionalinės Martyno Mažvydo bibliotekos įgyvendamo projekto metu sukurtas elektronines paslaugas bei įvertinti šių paslaugų pridėtinę vertę, paremtas konstruktyvistine fenomenologijos metodologija ir pridėtinės vertės kūrimo 2-3-6 koncepcija. Pasirinktas kokybinio tyrimo metodas sudarė galimybę pateikti išvadas dėl sukurtos e-klasikos bibliotekos ir elektroninių paslaugų vertės ir šių paslaugų efektyvesnio panaudojimo lietuvių literatūros kūrinių sklaidai bei skaitymo skatinimui

    Skaitmeninimo stebėsenos sistemos koncepcinis modelis: Lietuvos patirtis

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    Siekiant padidinti skaitmeninimo veiklų valdymo efektyvumą, Lietuvos kultūros paveldo skaitmeninimo, skaitmeninio turinio saugojimo ir prieigos strategijoje (2009–2013) buvo numatyta sukurti kultūros paveldo skaitmeninimo stebėsenos sistemą ir nuolat vykdyti Lietuvos kultūros paveldo skaitmeninio stebėsenąbei vertinimą. Straipsnyje supažindinama su skaitmeninimo stebėsenos sistemos koncepciniu modeliu, grindžiamu pagrindiniais sistemų teorijos principais bei sisteminiu požiūriu paremta vertinimo teorija. Koncepcinis modelis integruoja skaitmeninimo stebėsenos sistemos apibrėžties ir jos paskirties aprašymą, modelio kūrimo principus ir metodologiją, stebėsenos rodiklių pasirinkimą bei jų aprobavimo rezultatus.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: koncepcinis modelis, metodologija, stebėsenos rodikliai, skaitmeninimas, skaitmeninimo stebėsenos sistema.A conceptual model of the digitization monitoring system: the Lithuanian experienceRegina Varnienė-Janssen, Jonas Juškys, Neringa Račkauskaitė Summary The article presents a conceptual model for a digi­tization monitoring system, which will be used as the basis for implementing a digitization monitor­ing system in Lithuania. The conceptual model, which is based on the systems theory and evalu­ation theory principles, involves the description of the digitization monitoring system and its scope, principles for the creation of the model, and the choice of the monitoring indicators and their ap­probation results. The key factor influencing the creation of such a system is digitization performed by numerous independent institutions subordinate to different ministries. The creation of a system for monitoring the digitization of cultural heritage objects aims at preventing the duplication of digitization activities, ensuring an effective use of technical equipment and software for performing the digitization of cul­tural heritage objects, applying the best practice of coordinated digitization activities and appropriate standards and formats, as well as a convenient and prompt access to information and statistical data on the results of the activities being performed. The digitization monitoring system is created in line with recommendations of the Feasibility Study for the Creation of a Digitization Monitoring Sys­tem, prepared on demand of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, and requirements of the Specification for the Creation of Software for a Digitization Monitoring System in which, as one of its main requirements, was the creation of a manual of digitization monitoring. The article builds on the above-mentioned feasibility study. The rationale for the creation of a digitization monitoring system conforms with this system’s the­ory principles which require that the modelling of a system activities should involve an analysis of the input, process, and output, as well as feedback evalu­ation. The conceptual model of digitization monitor­ing is based on the following principles: • the system’s activity is shaped and organized by a holistic evaluation of the existing ap­proaches to the creation of such systems; real­ization that a system aggregates multiple ele­ments (interacting institutions and their units) which interact among themselves and with the environment; and abstraction of all elements and their interactions and merging them into a conceptual model. • indicators within a digitization monitoring system are determined through defining the existing state and problems of digitization ac­tivities, investigating the monitoring demands and requirements for such systems, and evalu­ating the conceptual model of this system, based on the results of a discussion. • The main criteria for selecting the indicators of digitization monitoring are clarity, rel­evance, efficiency, and possibility to monitor. A conceptual model based on the holistic appro­ach allows designing a system able to monitor digiti­zation activity results, standards and formats of me­tadata and access, identification and distribution of tasks, and tracking implementation of goals. It also enables institutions performing digitization activities to acquire information on digitization initiatives and current and (or) intended projects, on resources held by other institutions and the characteristics of these resources, on trainings, conferences or other events related to digitization that are on the agenda, also, it enables to successfully monitor and keep under re­view the realization of initiatives, programmes, and strategies, to facilitate a quality evaluation and per­formance improvement, to assess the risks, to im­prove supervision activities, efficiency, and manage­ment processes, to prepare accounts, to substantiate resources and expenses, to increase performance im­pact, and to monitor digitization initiatives as well as current and (or) intended projects. &nbsp

    Methodological and Organisational Aspects of Digitisation and Bibliographic Access of the Cultural Heritage: the Lithuanian Approach

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    This article aims to indicate the lessons learnt from the digitization initiative by the Lithuanian National Bibliographic Agency – the Centre of Bibliography and Book Science at the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania – and other memory institutions (the Lithuanian Art Museum and the Office of the Chief Archivist of Lithuanian), which provide authoritative bibliographic descriptions for the national collection. It describes experience in the development, application and updating of formats and standards used for recording bibliographic information and cultural content, provision of access to it, establishment of the Integrated Virtual Library Information System and the integrated portal of the cultural heritage www.epaveldas.lt. The report specifies the Lithuanian national bibliographic agency’s efforts on updating the legislation to reflect partnership among memory institutions, creation of a methodology for such partnership as well as encouraging the compilation of the national bibliograph